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Sleep & Snoring
Through an integrative approach of testing and anatomic examination, we give you the tools to implement an effective plan that you feel comfortable with. Find out more below.

Importance of Sleep
Snoring can be the result of a serious health problem and can have serious health consequences. Snoring is the rough, irregular or harsh sounds of breathing that is partially obstructed during sleep. Nearly half of all adults snore, at least occasionally. Occasional snoring can be brought on by unusual fatigue, by a cold or seasonal allergies, even by alcohol consumption.
Occasional snoring will pass when the reason behind it passes. But, for the 25 percent of people deemed habitual snorers, there may be underlying health problems or sleep disorders that are causing their problem
Possible sleep problems
Anatomy The structure of your mouth and nasal pathways has a lot to do with snoring. The position of the tongue in the mouth, the shape of the palate, and the width of the jaw all play a role. An elongated palate and uvula can also narrow the airway and cause excessive snoring.
Nasal Problems Anything that narrows the nasal passages increases the chances that someone will snore. These can include nasal polyps or a deviated septum. Allergies can also play a role, since they can lead to the swelling of nasal tissues and can also be a contributing factor in the formation of polyps.
Sleep Apnea Sometimes called obstructive sleep apnea, this serious problem results in the complete blockage of the airways for brief periods of time. People with sleep apnea will often wake briefly — sometimes hundreds of times a night — to gasp for air. This can cause fitful, restless sleep. The symptoms of sleep apnea can extend into the daytime hours and include sleepiness, morning headache, and sleepiness.
Options for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
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